Are you organised?

Are you organised?

I love this hilarious cartoon by @gemmacorrell. It’s so me! Making art is really important to me. It lights me up and puts a fire in my belly. But as you know, to get your work out there to share with other people involves a sh*t load of other stuff too! Soooo,...
Hidden Secrets of the other Hand

Hidden Secrets of the other Hand

I hadn’t been planning on getting to know my other hand any time soon, but life changed course in a few short seconds. Yeah, I broke my wrist a few weeks ago which started me on a crash course of familiarising myself with what my other hand could and...
Talking Art

Talking Art

I think this cartoon by Pablo Helguera, satirizes nicely the fear many of us experience when we place ourselves in an upmarket artsy setting such as a famous gallery or large art fair. We can be scared we might embarrass ourselves because we aren’t familiar with...
Finding Inner Stillness

Finding Inner Stillness

“All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.” — Eckhart Tolle Hello and welcome to my first Blog post! This one is about finding inner stillness through art. Hope you enjoy reading 🙂 Creating art can allow us to...