Hello, Iā€™m Marion

My home is in Ireland, but I donā€™t live there just yet because we live and work in the Middle East, in an inland oasis city called Al Ain. More about that in a bit!

Our home in Ireland overlooks the fabulous Lough Mask. Such a spectacular and inspiring landscape which has attracted artists and creatives from all over the world. Yes, the weatherā€¦ I know! But when it’s sunny it’s the best place to be, and when it’s lashing down and howling gales, we snuggle up in front of the fire and look out on the everchanging skies over the lake.

The artwork becomes a part of you, as you become part of it.

I canā€™t imagine a life without painting. My creativity comes from deep within and provides me with an escape from the world. Visualising my inner world intuitively guides me in creating my art.


Choose original paintings and prints to create unique stories that inspire and uplift you on a daily basis.

Kind words from a collector


ā€œWhat I love about Marion’s work are the contrasts – the measured geometry and the spontaneous swirls of colour; the dark and the light, the major and the minor keys played out across the canvas. She’s not afraid to take risks and uses a variety of media and techniques to create stunning original pieces.ā€

ā€• Tess Goodliffe